Welcome to Wild and Free Travel Co, where your dream vacations come to life! We are your passport to unparalleled adventures, unforgettable journeys, and the world's most exciting destinations.

We believe that travel is not just a way to escape the ordinary; it's a transformational experience that enriches your life, broadens your horizons, and creates cherished memories that last a lifetime.

Whether you're seeking a tropical paradise, a cultural experience, a thrilling adventure, or a domestic escape, we are here to create the perfect itinerary tailored to your desires.

Join us on a journey of discovery, and let us turn your travel dreams into reality. Your extraordinary adventures, begin here!

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Every month, I’ll choose a winner! Prizes range from discounts, to Free 3 day get-aways, to Amazon cash, to a basket of travel goodies and so much more. fill out this form to enter!

Unlock your next great adventure by filling out our travel form, we have a few questions about your travel details. Let us craft the perfect itinerary tailored to your dreams.

Your Travel Agents *

Your Travel Agents *

Hi Friends, We are Robert and Sabrina Knapp, your dedicated travel agents at Wild and Free Travel Co.

With a passion for adventure and a wealth of expertise in creating unforgettable journeys, we are certain we can turn your travel dreams into reality.

Whether you're seeking a romantic getaway, a family adventure, a cultural experience, or any other type of travel, we are here to provide you with personalized guidance and expert insights (tips and tricks) to ensure your trip is nothing short of extraordinary.

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Are you ready to Vacation?

We help with it all!

Cruising, All-inclusive, Disney, Universal Studios, Hotels, Group Travel, Tours and Excursions, Concerts, Destination weddings, and SO Much More!