Who We Are

Our journey through the world of travel has been nothing short of remarkable, a tapestry woven with the threads of adventure, culture, and exploration. As young children, we were exposed to travel, as our parents were good about showing us the wonders of the lower 48! When we met, we decided that travel would be a big part of our relationship and we would raise our children to be open to traveling and experience spontaneous trips. From that moment, our wanderlust was ignited, and there was no turning back.

As avid travelers, we've experienced things others dream about - but none of it is out of reach for anyone. We’ve seen near every Caribbean island, traveled all over the United States, Cruised over several different oceans and still, there is so much more we want to see.

Almost three years ago, we were able to make a big move to one of our most favorite places on this earth! Cody, Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park. We often say to each other - “we live, where some only dream to vacation!” and, we don’t take any of that for granted.

Our very favorite form of personal travel is a good cruise. We love the Caribbean, but have experienced the beauty of south America, Mexico, and Alaska too! while cruising is our extreme choice - we believe that domestic travel is very highly underrated. We spend a lot of time, visiting with our clients and audience about the beauty that our own United States has to offer and that it can actually be very, very affordable. We have a lot of experience traveling all over the USA and want to share that sometimes the best of adventures, can happen right here at home.

Our travel experiences have not only enriched our lives but also broadened our perspectives. We've relished in culinary adventures (you know, we’re foodies too! :) ), savoring the flavors of diverse nationalities. We’ve seen the most beautiful landscapes, hiked challenging trails, explored and adventured in places we dream about and shared conversations with locals and business owners/vendors that we now consider friends!

Through the highs and lows of our journeys, we've come to appreciate the transformative power of travel. it can inspire, educate, and foster a deep appreciation for the world's diversity. It's this passion for exploration and a belief in the life-changing potential of travel that led us to become travel advisors. We're excited to share our expertise and help others embark on their own incredible journeys, ensuring that each traveler's experience is as unforgettable as our own. Our personal history of travel fuels our commitment to create moments that resonate for a lifetime.

Fun Facts About Us!

  • Both Robert and I were raised and grew up in SE Iowa. He is a graduate of Ottumwa High School, and I am a graduate of Pekin High School. We met in 2003, and were introduced by a mutual friend. At that time, I (Sabrina) was in nursing/medical assisting school and he (Robert) was a truck driver. Our relationship grew quickly and the two children he brought into the relationship (Austin and Madison, 9 and 6 at the time), became my own. We were married in Early 2006. Annie joined our family in 2007. We are very proud of our kiddos, now 28, 25 and 16 - as all three of them are thriving and successful! Annie, still at home, is a junior in highschool and LOVES 4H and does a LOT of traveling with us! Austin gave us two grandchildren, Corbin Lee and Lilly Sue - and we love spoiling them!

    In 2016, both Robert and I lost parents. His father passed away in January of heart and kidney complications and in November that year, my mother died from metastatic breast cancer. If I tell you it didn’t change us, that would be a lie. We took a step back, realized life is very, very short, and started to make some changes in our free time, our relationships and our future plans.

    In early 2021, Robert, Annie and I made a big move. We up-rooted everything we knew, left our two older children, our grandchildren and our parents behind and moved to Cody, WY. We are in love with where we live and you’ll hear a LOT about the west and our lifestyle and traveling opportunities out here!

  • Very early in our relationship, we started to pursue Roberts passion for cooking, and turned it into a “simple” catering business. We started very small, doing small catering jobs for anyone that we could get our food into their hands. To make a very long story short - within a couple of years, that grew into a food truck adventure. We drug that thing everywhere, all over the country in fact - serving at fairs and festivals and anywhere that needed food supplied. We did this WHILE we were both still working jobs. Robert was driving a truck and I was raising Annie and doing medical transcription from home.

    In 2010, we were offered a small restaurant location to lease, and we bit! We opened our first location in August of that year. It was wonderful, we quickly knew that our 32 seats wouldn’t service us for too long. In 2013, we were able to make a move into a much larger location and have since expanded even that location, twice. That restaurant is still up and running and is our “monster” today. While we are in Wyoming, our staff of 50+ run the day to day operation of our 262 seats and massive catering list, led by our amazing General Manager, Mel.

    We also tackle other businesses - in our free time. Robert is a VERY talented photographer and takes on a few bookings for his photo services. Besides my travel business, I also own SMK Marketing - helping business owners with their website creation, Graphics, Social Media Marketing and On-Line growth.

  • In early 2018, a friend reached out to me about a “side business” that she was doing. She was booking travel for others and making commission from suppliers that she booked with. She gave me the information that I needed and very quickly, I enrolled with the same agency. I pay yearly and monthly dues for my licensing, insurance and vendor codes…and make a very fair commission from resorts, cruise lines, Disney, hotels, tour companies, etc etc etc - to book myself or others with them. As an agent, I get many perks and discounts myself, for travel for my family that others don’t often get and that’s so nice for our own travels! I feel fortunate that I get to create a business and use the benefits of my own travel agency!

    When I started my agency in 2018, I went a mile a minute. Marketing and promotion was #1 and I was booking a ton of travel - I was also helping others become agents themselves and getting a TON of savings on their own travel. But…in 2020 and 2021, when we decided that we were going to make the move to Wyoming, my focus on booking travel went to the side. I’ve continued my agency and kept my license - but I just took a step back and was only booking for those who knew I was still an agent and reached out for my services.

    After about 2 and half years off of full time travel promotion - I’m very happy to say that I’m back and ready to put 1000% effort into it. Travel has really grown and people are traveling more than ever - and I’m so lucky that I get to be a part of that. If you’ve considered or would like to have more information about being an agent, please reach out - I’d love to tell you the details about how you can receive the same benefits and create a business from travel too!

  • On a more light hearted note - here are some things we LOVE!

    Coffee!! - Call us snobs, whatever. We love coffee and we know a GOOD cup of coffee. You’ll see us (especially Robert) drinking coffee at all times of the day! When we travel, we have coffee. We aren’t huge alcohol drinkers - for a lot of reasons - but, we can never turn down a good cup of coffee!!

    Nature! - So, there are all sorts of things we love about Cody and the reasons we moved out here…but one of our very favorite things, is the ability to immerse ourselves in nature! Cody is a mountain town on the east side of Yellowstone National Park. We have mountain ranges and UTV and hiking trails everywhere. During the spring, summer and fall, you’ll catch us…at least 3 or 4 days per week….on our UTV up in the mountains! I’ll actually be talking a lot about this, as renting a UTV here is very popular and we know the ins and outs of all of it, if you’re looking for adventure. Our best days are spent on a UTV trail, about 9000+ feet up on a mountain, building a fire, having s’mores and just taking in the ultimate mountain life!

    Food and Fellowship! - I mean this just as it sounds. We have the best friends, here in Cody. We’ve made some amazing relationships and one of our very favorite things to do is make a bunch of food (snacks or a meal, it doesn’t matter) and open our home and have our friends out to visit, have drinks, watch football, whatever….we just love to be around our people!!

    Plants and Gardening! - I’m the plant lady. I love indoor plants and caring for them. We also have a beautiful garden/landscape around 4 sides of our home and I love to tinker with it. In the spring, its full of color and new life and….weeds. Ii spend a lot of time making sure its weed free. Bub likes to care for vegetable plants and really enjoys growing tomatoes and peppers. We have plants around here that flower all year long, in different variations and so caring for them and keeping them healthy is a passion of mine!

    Short day trips or weekend trips! - We aren’t just all about big, extravagant travel (we love that too though!) We love to pack a bag of snacks, a thermos of coffee and just drive. Sometimes, we just spend a whole day in the mountains around where we live - or, we drive a ways away and stay somewhere for the night or for the weekend and explore that town….but either way, the western United States is something magical and I’m all about helping others see how much they can do right here in the United States without having crazy, expensive trips to plan!